Filing an OSHA Complaint in Texas

How to File a Complaint with the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) in Texas for a workplace hazard or safety violation.

Gather Information for Your Complaint

Your contact information
The contact information for your employer, including address
A general description of your type of business (construction, warehouse, agriculture, etc.)
The name of your supervisor or manager

Write Out The Complaint

Before you contact OSHA, write your complaint in full. This will help you remember any details and will allow you to list things in order. Keep the complaint text simple, easy to understand and to the point. Do not include any speculation or information you do not know to be true. Remember, this complaint will become a legal record.

When you file your complaint with OSHA you can ask to have your information withheld from your employer.

Contact OSHA (online, phone, mail, fax)

How to contact OSHA

Local Texas OSHA Offices

What Happens After I File a Complaint with OSHA?

Most likely your complaint will be routed to one of the local offices in Texas. A OSHA representative will ask you for more information if needed. Based on the complaint they may also ask your employer to produce records or send OSHA information related to your complaint. If necessary OSHA will conduct a field inspection of the workplace.

You should always receive follow-up communication from OSHA.

The more employees that file a complaint with OSHA, will increase the likelihood that OSHA will take action. So if a hazard or violation exists, get as many coworkers as possible to file a complaint as well.

Can I be Fired for Making an OSHA Complaint?

No, your are legally protected under Federal Law from any retaliation from your employer for filing an OHSA complaint or raising an issue of workplace safety.

If you believe that you are being retaliated at work or have been fired for making an OSHA complaint, contact OSHA immediately and file a whistle-blower complaint, under the Whistleblower protection program.

What are Common Workplace Safety Violations?

safety lock OSHA standard

As of 2021 these were the most frequently cited standards by OSHA

  1. Fall Protection, construction
  2. Respiratory Protection, general industry
  3. Ladders, construction
  4. Hazard Communication, general industry
  5. Scaffolding, construction
  6. Fall Protection Training, general industry
  7. Control of Hazardous Energy (lock-out, tag-out), general industry
  8. Eye and Face Protection, construction
  9. Powered Industrial Trucks, general industry
  10. Machinery and Machine Guarding, general industry

Remember when in doubt, always contact your supervision if you think a workplace hazard or safety violation exists. If you do not get help, or the safety issue is not resolved contact OSHA.

Learn more about employee rights and protections under OSHA.

cover of book - Injured on the job texas

For more information on OSHA in Texas, what to do if a safety violation exists, or you are hurt at work buy a copy of Injured on the Job – Texas.

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